Have you started your real estate wholesaling business but want additional guidance to speed up your progress?

Level up your wholesaling business by leveraging 10 years of real estate millionaire knowledge, resources, and connections...
condensed into 1-to-1 coaching packages

Having access to a coach who’s closed 600 deals (and counting) in the last decade means you'll never have to guess which step to take to close more 5-figure deals.

“How will coaching sessions speed up my progress?”

Thanks to the internet, many entrepreneurs including myself have been able to learn how to build a successful real estate wholesaling business.However, it can take years of trial and error to develop systems that reliably close 5-figure deals on a monthly or weekly basis.Coaching sessions cut out a huge portion of that trial and error.I've spent the last 10 years refining my system and now my team (based in Miami) is closing 1 deal every 3 days.In that decade, I've made every mistake and overcome every obstacle you can think of.My hard-won experience allows me to quickly diagnose my mentee's bottlenecks with precision...Which has helped them build their own thriving wholesale real estate businesses. 👇

Robert De La Riva

“I came to you because I was getting nowhere with my marketing campaign and my follow-up sucked. That was the turning point for me... if I hadn't sat down with you and gone over all this stuff you taught me… it wouldn’t have clicked.”“...you told me “listen Rob when you get in there make sure you price anchor”, which I did and I got the deal. The spread on that was like $50,000 which was crazy because I’d watched the videos… I'd seen the testimonials… but when you're there and the seller is going to sign you're like oh sht this is real!”*

Corey Guzman

“When I started taking wholesaling seriously, I got leads but I wasn't able to convert. I ran a campaign for about 90 days. I had a few opportunities that were more on the retail side but I didn't get any traction you know? I wasn't able to convert any of the deals.”“Then I decided like man you know what... let me just pull the trigger and sign up for your coaching program. I wanted accountability and to have access to you and your blueprint. I paid for the program, got dialed in, and sure enough within my first 30 days I got that first deal under contract in Orlando.”

“Are coaching sessions any different from online courses?”

Online courses can be useful if you’re a beginner as they contain generalized information.But if you’ve learned the basics and you're still feeling stuck...Then coaching tailored to your specific situation can help you close your next deal.Online courses also fall short when it comes to accountability...Because a guru who sells a course to thousands of students doesn't have the time to coach each of those students indivdually.And let's be honest, without accountability we all tend to procrastinate.It's human nature.So instead of inefficiently working through a course for 6 months with little to no results to show for it...Tailored coaching can help you focus your attention and achieve meaningful results. 👇

“Who are you and how are you qualified to provide coaching sessions?”

My name’s Raul Bolufe. Here's a bit more about me.I was born and raised in Florida and grew up poor until I was about 11...My dad used to work 70+ hour weeks and eventually started doing well in his car business.Through striving to provide for me and my siblings, he taught me the value of hard work and money management.For years I worked 7 days a week for my dad as a car salesman...Then in 2013, I discovered real estate wholesaling through Sean Terry’s Flip2Freedom podcast.I had zero clue what I was doing.So, I used my savings (about $5k) to pay a local mentor to teach me how to do deals on MLS.After non-stop work for 3 months... I closed a $6,000 deal.It wasn’t “life-changing money” but it sure changed my life...Because I knew if I could do $6k deals, I could do $60k deals.10 years later I live with my beautiful girlfriend and my two dogs (100-pound Doberman and a 15-pound Chihuahua) and I run a 7-figure real estate business.Nowadays, I’m able to spoil my younger siblings and repay my parents for their years of sacrifice.For me, that's the best part about financial freedom.Here's a video of me in action speaking at REI Events 'Real Networking' in April 2023. 👇

Coaching Packages

1x 30-minute coaching session

(Sessions can be recorded at your request.)

2x 30-minute coaching sessions

(Sessions can be recorded at your request.)

4 hours of coaching call recordings

('Over the shoulder’ CRM marketing training.)
(Insight into how my team closes hot leads.)

4x 30-minute coaching sessions

(Sessions can be recorded at your request.)

4 hours of coaching call recordings

('Over the shoulder’ CRM marketing training.)
(Insight into how my team closes hot leads.)

⭐ LIFETIME access to my private real estate investor community

(Direct access to me after you've completed your 1-to-1 sessions.)
(Join a network of investors who are sharing wins and insights regularly.)


"Will I get a refund if I cancel my coaching session(s)?"Yes. If you cancel a session at least 24 hours before the scheduled date and time, you can send an email to [email protected] with your name and phone number to get a full refund for that session."Can I reschedule my coaching session(s)?"Yes. If you'd like to reschedule a session, please aim to do so at least 24 hours before the scheduled date and time."If I purchase a silver or gold package, how do I schedule subsequent sessions?"After each coaching session has been completed, I'll provide you with a link to schedule your next session."How do I get access to my on-demand coaching call recordings?"If you purchase a silver or gold package, you'll be automatically directed to a link where you can get instant access to your coaching call recordings."How do I get access to the private real estate investor community?"If you purchase a gold package, you'll be automatically directed to a link where you can get instant access to the private community.(Note: If you purchase a gold package and cancel one or more of your coaching sessions, access to the private community will be revoked.)

If you have any further questions, you can contact me at: [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: The sales, deals, transaction figures, and examples stated on this page and discussed in the coaching sessions are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand we’re not implying you’ll duplicate these results (or do anything for that matter). The average person who purchases consultation, coaching, mentorship, or "how-to" products gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please do not apply for the coaching sessions.Capital Rise Investments, 888 Biscayne Blvd. #505, Miami, FL 33132